Decisions not issued until 5 PM

– Cairo Criminal Court has considered the detention renewal session of journalist Islam Gheit in case No. 977 of 2018 State Security, but hasn’t reached a decision until now.

Issued decisions

– The Court of Cassation turned down the appeals filed by 153 defendants against the sentences they received in the case known as “Kerdasa Massacre”, and upheld the death and life sentences against the defendants.

– Mansoura Prosecution decided to renew the detention of political activist Mohammed Adel for 15 days pending investigations in case No. 5606 of 2018 Aga Administrative.

– The Military Court adjourned the trial of 304 defendants in the “Assistant Public Prosecutor assassination attempt” case for the first of October hearing.

– Cairo Criminal Court adjourned the retrial procedure of 8 defendants in the case known as “Nasr City incidents” for the September 29 hearing.

– Cairo Criminal Court sentenced one defendant in the retrial procedure of the case known in the media as “Al-Basateen violence incidents” to five years in prison.

– Security forces stormed the headquarters of “Al Mesryoon” newspaper and detained the employees therein.