Issued decisions
– The Public Prosecutor ruled yesterday to hold defendant “Ahmed Bassam Zaki” in pretrial detention for 4 days pending investigations over charges of: attempting sexual contact with two women without their consent; assaulting with force and threatening those two women and another girl, who was under the age of 18; and threatening the three of them and others through blackmail intended to harm their honour.
– The Court of Administrative Justice adjourned the appeal No. No. 27130 of 73 and the Appeal No. 27124 of 74, submitted by media professionals Somaya El-Shenawi and Fadel Abbas demanding to rescind the decision to downgrade them and settle their financial dues. The case was postponed for the hearing of 18 July 2020.
– The Court of Cassation set the appeal submitted by former Minister of Information and Shura Council Speaker Safwat al-Sharif, challenging the 3-year prison sentence and the 99 million LE fine issued against them over illicit gain charge, for adjucication at the hearing of September 15.
– Giza Criminal Court adjourned the trial of the defendants accused in the case known in the media as “Great Wheat Corruption” for the hearing of 27 July to proceed with hearing the defense’s pleadings.
Decisions not issued
– The Criminal’s 2nd Terrorism circuit is considering the retrial procedures of one defendant accused in “Talbyia violence incidents”, but hasn’t reached a decision so far.