– Sayeda Zeinab Appellant Misdemeanor Court, convened at the counseling chamber, has turned down the appeal submitted by the Prosecution against the release order issued for director and screenwriter Moamen Hassan pending Case No. 662 of 2021 Qasr al-Nil Misdemeanor, and accordingly upheld the decision.
– Cairo Criminal Court’s 1st terrorism circuit adjourned the trial of 12 defendants in the case known in the media as “Hesham Ashmawi Cell” for the hearing of 7 March, 2021.
– Cairo Criminal Court’s 1st terrorism circuit adjourned the retrial of one defendant in the case known in the media as “Mayada Ashraf’s murder” for the hearing of 8 February , 2021.
– Giza Criminal Court’s 2nd terrorism circuit adjourned the trial of 7 defendants in the case known in the media as “Rabaa Sit in dispersal” for the hearing of 6 March, for pleadings.
– Giza Criminal Court’s 2nd terrorism circuit ordered the acquittal of one defendant in the case known in the media as “Rabaa Operations Room”.
– The appellant cour of urgent matters adjourned the lawsuit demanding to impose guardianship on the Doctors Syndicate after if mourned the death of the MB-affiliated doctor Essam Al Aryan who died in prison threatening the country’s national security and citizens’ safety. The case was postponed to the hearing of 25 February 2021.
– Cairo Criminal Court’s 2nd circuit sentenced defendants in the “Mataryia terrorist cell” case to 15 years in high-security prison