Issued decisions:
– North Mansoura Criminal Court has considered the detention renewal of activist Mohamed Adel pending Case No. 4118 of 2018 Sherbein Administrative and decided to renew his detention for 15 days.
Decisions not issued:
*The criminal court’s terrorism circuit convened at the counseling room in the Police Cadets Institute has considered the detention renewal of the following:
– Journalists Hesham Fouad and Hossam Moanis and 17 defendants in the Case No. 930 of 2019 State Security;
– The Popular Alliance Party’s leading member Abdel Nasser Ismail and 24 defendants in Case 488 of 2019 State Security;
– Abdel Ghani Youssef and Abdel-Rahman Khaled and 136 defendants in Case No. 1530 of 2019 State Security;
– Aya al-Qassem Ramdan, Islam Adel, Ahmed Ahmed Abdel-Halim and 76 defendants in Case No. 880 of 2020 State Security, known in the media as “September incidents 2020”;
– 21 defendants in Case No. 800 of 2019 State Security;
– 13 defendants in Case No. 800 of 2019 State Security.
* Cairo Criminal Court is proceeding with the trial of 12 defendants in the case known in the media as “Hesham Ashmawi Cell”, which was postponed at the session of 4/2/2020.
* Giza Criminal Court’s terrorism circuit is proceeding with the trial of 3 defendants in the case known in the media as “Al-Nahda Sit-in dispersal”, which was postponed at the session of 1/2/2020.
* The Court of Cassation has considered the appeal submitted by the Public Prosecution against the ruling of acquittal issued for 6 officers and 2 low-ranking police officers of the charge of totrturing a citizen to death.
The courts haven’t reached their decisions so far.