Issued decisions

– The first terrorism circuit adjourned the trial of 10 defendants in the case known in the media as “terrorizing citizens in Mataryia (district)” for the hearing set on 18 October.

– Al-Nozha Appellant Misdemeanor Court sentenced counselor Noha El-Imam for 3 month with suspension of the sentence and turned down the civil lawsuit in the case known in the media as “the court lady”.

– The first terrorism circuit, convened at the Police Cadets Institute in Tora, ordered the acquittal of 3 defendants in the case known in the media as “Giza’s ISIS Cell”.

– The Board of Commissioners of the Supreme Constitutional Court has set the November 14th hearing to consider the case claiming the unconstitutionality of the first paragraph of Articles 104, 110, 111 of Labor Law No. 12 of 2003; for having a contradiction between them on one hand and what was stated in Article 128 of Labor Law No. 12 of 2003 in the other hand, in accordance with Paragraph B Article 29 of the Supreme Constitutional Court Law No. 48 of 1979.