Issued decisions
-The 1st terrorism circuit at the criminal court convened at the Police Cadets Institute in Tora Prison Complex adjourned the trial of Mohamed Badie, the Muslim Brotherhood Guide, Mahmoud Ezzat and 77 other defendants in the case known in the media as “Al-Manassas incidents” for the hearing of 20 December for the Prosecution pleadings.
Decisions not issued 
-The 3rd terrorism circuit convened at the Police Cadets Institute in Tora Prison Complex has considered the trial of the defendants in the case known in the media as “Agnad Organization Cell”.
-The 3rd terrorism circuit convened at the Police Cadets Institute in Tora Prison Complex has considered the trial of a mosque preacher accused of joining a terrorist group and promoting terrorist crimes.
– The 3rd terrorism circuit convened at the Police Cadets Institute in Tora Prison Complex has considered the detention renewal orders of 307 defendants pending the Supreme State Security Prosecution investigations. 298 of these defendants are detained in Cases 880 and Case 960 of 2020, 65 of 2021, 910 of 2021 which involves human rights lawyer Mohamed Ramadan after the adjournment of his detention renewal throughout the 4 last sessions.